As many of you know, I plan to stop posting at the end of the year. Might be back in the spring. We’ll see. I spent a large part of the day putting together my final post. It was full of things like how much fun I've had, and how I'll miss you, but blogger ate the post. Somehow that seems fitting and certainly reminds me of what I won't be missing. So that touching goodbye is gone and I'm not going to retype it.

But this still seems a good time to reflect on 2007.
The highlight of my year was definitely my trip to Sweden. It’s going to be hard to top that. Ever. Other major events – selling my house and moving. Twice!
On the writing front, an exciting high point was reading Jamie Ford’s HOTEL ON THE CORNER OF BITTER AND SWEET (coming spring 2009). I’ve been a fan of Jamie’s writing for a couple of years, and my expectations were high. I wasn’t disappointed. The story is amazing, and I predict it will be a major Hollywood movie.
Other blogging friends have signed with agents and finished books, and sales with top houses can’t be far behind. Look out 2008!
This also seems the place to list the top 3 searches that bring people from outside the writing world to my blog. *sniff*
number 3 -- VODKA ENEMA (a popular search this time of the year. :O)
number 2 -- ROOT CANAL VERSUS PULLING THE TOOTH (I eventually chose root canal.)
and the number one topic that continuously brings new readers from around the world to my blog:
I think that pretty much says it all.