but anyway...
I've always wanted to be a curmudgeon, and was disappointed to find that this is something only bestowed upon men. i find that sexist.
but anyway...
enough about me. there's a new curmudgeon in St. Paul and he goes by the name of Hulles. i don't know if he's old enough to actually be a curmudgeon, but i think with the right frame of mind even a teenager can be one.
but anyway...
this is one of the funniest things i've read in a long time:
funny stuff
and i think it really captures the minnesota state of mind. nothing is a big deal even when it is a big deal.
Women can't be curmudgeons?
I expect a full rant on sexism by the weekend Anne.
sandra, i'm preparing protest signs as we speak. ;)
stop using such big words. I didn't make it to college and I had to look that one up. haha. kidding! And believe me, women have to be able to be curmedgeon. It happens to me at least once a month.
I saw a t-shirt online once with a really cool, descriptive name for lovers of books...of course I can't remember the name, but I remember that I wanted the shirt. But when I looked up the name on Wikipedia, the name referred to a gentleman only society.
So no shirt for me.
(And I apologize for my lack of mental clarity this evening. Blame it on the wine.)
kelly, LOL to both comments. and we need a new way to talk about PMS! i love it. :D
heather: cheers. ;)
wine solves so many problems *sigh*.
and chocolate. don't forget chocolate. and fuzzy pink bunnies.
Since when can't women be curmudgeons? It's the 21st Century! Women can be whatever they want.
Hell, my great grandmother qualified as a curmudgeon, and she was a Chinese wildcat with a voice that would shatter glass and the attitude to use it.
Women can't be curmudgeons? Please.
It's an obscure fact-like thing that there was once a word "curmudgeoness." This understandably fell out of favor in today's more politically sensitive society. Plus, natural selection was no doubt involved because any guy who used it was beaten to death by the grumpy old woman to whom he referred.
So sure, you nice ladies can be curmudgeons if you want to. The pay's pretty crummy though, I have to warn you in advance.
And Anne, thanks lots. Hopefully the check I sent you will clear without any embarrassing problems. XOXO.
And Heather, honey, stop drinking wine and put a shirt on. That's how I met your mother.
Anne, I know I don't live in Minnesota, but I live in Iowa. And Minnesota grew out of the top of Iowa, so that should count for something...right?!? I want to be a curmudgeon too...please, please, pppppppleaseeeeeeeee?!?
stephen, maybe this can be a unisex word like hero and actor. but for some reason women calling themselves actors always kind of pissed me off.
hulles, the check bounced like a superball, but it's the thought that counts.
dee, maybe we need a society for female curmudgeons. although we'd probably kill one another. but now i'm imagining a blog for female curmudgeons where we can bitch about anything and everything. i think it has promise....
None of this 'maybe' stuff! A real curmudgeon like yourself wouldn't let something like tradition or a pesky dictionary definition get in the way of curmedgeonanities!
Fssle, rssle, grmble, mmble.
daniel, i can see i'm going to have to work on that in order to reach 100%. :D
The curmudgeonly state has long been my quest in life. I've made some good stabs at it lately, too, I'd have to say. But I, too, was thrown when I checked the dictionary.
It makes the quest that much more exciting, though. ;-)
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