Thursday, February 16, 2006

David Feldman and Marshall Brain

David Feldman will be interviewed on Leonard Lopate's Show on WNYC, NPR along with Marshall Brain, the brain behind

Friday from 1-2 P.M. E.S.T. (probably won't get on until 1:15 or so). You can listen live (and possibly archived) here:

David is author of the Imponderable books, and always interesting. I believe you'll be able to call in with questions.


Jerilyn Dufresne, author said...

I'm listening to DF right now. He's so cool--both in person and on the radio.

Anonymous said...

i listened too. cool as a cucumber as usual.

Jeff said...

I wasn't able to listen to the live broadcast. Maybe I can find it archived.

Shesawriter said...


Thought you'd like to know I ordered one of your books from Amazon the other day. It's en route now. :-)


anne frasier said...

i have to confess i didn't hear the whole thing because i had a phone call. they discussed how birds find worms, pilots lights, the reason for having mirrors behind bars and mirrors by elevators, and steam coming from city streets.

tanya -- i'm pleased and nervous!

Jeff said...

Tanya- I'm sure you'll like whichever one of Anne's books you ordered. She's a very good writer. :)

Shesawriter said...


Why? I don't bite! LOL!


From the description, I've no doubt you're right.
