Tuesday, June 27, 2006

ITW controversy revisited

i wasn't going to mention this again, but it seems people are still blogging about the issue so i felt the need to revisit and clarify. after some investigating, the consensus is that the disgruntled judge doesn't even exist. I can't elaborate, but most people will be able to figure out the why of it.

please adjust your notes accordingly.


Rob Gregory Browne said...

Okay, I'm confused. If the disgruntled judge doesn't exist, then what was that blog post all about?


anne frasier said...

rob, the "disgruntled judge" was just a small part of the blog post -- if we're talking about the same post. it was used to back up the blogger's complaint and give her argument more weight. that's my take on it anyway, although the whole thing has been little hard to follow.

angie said...

Mebbe an attempt to make ITW look shitty? Mebbe some other agenda to keep the falsehood re. judges going?

Whatever. Anne, glad that's been cleared up. Hopefully this will be the end of the controversy (insert Prince/Symbol Dude musical quote here) and we can all go back to our regularly scheduled activities.

Have a fab day!

anne frasier said...

angie, well, i don't know if it's been cleared up as much as the same logical conclusion drawn by several people. we may never find out the truth, but usually that kind of thing comes to light over time. i definitely want to be around when that happens.

Rob Gregory Browne said...

It just seems odd to me that in order to bolster an argument that the blogger would just make something up.

Then again maybe it's not so odd. Politicians do it all the time...

anne frasier said...

rob, i'm not saying that's what happened because i don't want to jump to conclusions. i have a few theories. one milder one is that she simply didn't come by her information firsthand and the source is incorrect.

after cooling down, i noticed that the quotes don't even sound like something a judge would say. why would a judge say that? it makes no sense. a judge was part of the process and played a part in the final decision -- so would have no reason to make those comments. the second quote sound like something a pissed-off writer would say, not a judge.

after giving this a lot of consideration, i find it extremely hard to believe that an ITW judge spoke those words. where they came from -- i don't know.

emeraldcite said...

thin air is where most of those kinds of comments are born...

anne frasier said...

emeraldcite: or butts


emeraldcite said...

lol. yes. well, it's been some pretty shitty news...lol

Mindy Tarquini said...

No disgruntled judge?

Lala Scrivano tells me she's suffering a moment of passing disappointment.

"Mr. DeMille? Lala's ready for her coverup."

anne frasier said...

m.g., if lala wants that title, i say let her have it. ;)

Kelly (Lynn) Parra said...

Ugh, I was having the toughest time posting this morning. Hope this one comes through.

Anyway, I was saying that I'm glad the truth is slowly coming to surface! =D

Mindy Tarquini said...

Lala's an attention whore, Anne. Best not to encourage her.